
A Closer Look at DEI #1

Can Gender Pay Gap Disclosure Be Impactful?

By Reika Mihara

DEI is catching an increasing attention, especially of the investors concerning the Environment, Society, and Governance of corporate (ESG) principles. Standing for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, DEI is a concept that guides companies to establish an inclusive and welcoming workplace for employees with different backgrounds, and ensures employees are treated and remunerated equitably.

The gender pay gap refers to disparities in wages between male and female employees. It is increasingly discussed in Japan, where the concept of DEI is gradually spreading. In July 2022, the Japanese government revised the ministerial ordinance and notice under the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life. The revision required companies with 301 or more employees to disclose the wage differences between male and female workers. Disclosure of information on employee remuneration could be an important source for the discussions of promoting DEI in Japan. We have interviewed experts in Japan and the United States about the meaningfulness of DEI in businesses as well as the potential impact of the information disclosure to greater workplace equity.


  • Shareholder advocacy may be a key for the emergence of businesses that lead DEI in Japan.
  • The revised Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life requires large enterprises to disclose their average wages of male and female employees.
  • Structural gender inequality in the workplace may come visible thoroughly through the median gender pay gap.
Image of DEI unachieved
Image of DEI achieved

DEI involve policies and programs to ensure that every member has access to information and resources which let the whole team share their vision. Illustration by PARU @paru_illustration

DEI, the ‘Necessary Goodness’

DEI is not about responding to the requests by law or from society. It is the ‘necessary goodness’ becoming the essential element for operating a company.

Ms. Mika Aoshima, Director of the Laboratory for Developing Team Competence, has long been advocating DEI to companies. She and her Laboratory have been engaging in consultation services on personnel system reform and personnel strategy, as well as conducting joint research on teamwork and organization building at the Graduate School of Kyushu University.

Ms Mika Aoshima, Director of the Laboratory for Developing Team Competence
Ms. Mika Aoshima, Director of the Laboratory for Developing Team Competence

Diversity of DEI refers to the degree of dispersion of attributes (gender, ethnicity, age, etc.) in a group, and is a relatively familiar concept in Japan. Equity is about providing the support appropriate for each person to make information and opportunities accessible to everyone. Inclusion refers to the development of an environment where various people can actively participate in collaborative activities.

Inclusive Culture: Intangible Asset of a Company

From the perspective of DEI, creating psychological safety and building an inclusive environment are the two pillars of team building.

Psychological safety is essential for creating a work environment where diverse employees can play active roles. In the workplace where psychological safety is fostered, employees are more likely to feel respected and safe to express their opinions. Regarding gender equality, it may be difficult to ensure the psychological safety of female employees in the workplace with a higher proportion of male employees. There, women may find it difficult to speak out. In order to break out of this situation, “one option is to temporarily introduce a quota system and increase the ratio of female employees to certain extent,” says Aoshima.

Japan Lagging Behind in Gender Equality: Obligatory Disclosure of the Gender Pay Gap

DEI involves diversity, equity, and inclusiveness not only of gender but also of other aspects from race, nationality, to disabilities. Japan, though, has been falling short of international expectations especially of gender equality. In The Global Gender Gap Report 2022 released by the World Economic Forum in July, Japan ranked 116th out of 146 countries in the Gender Gap Index. For years, the country has ranked near the bottom of the list.

Back in 2003, the Koizumi administration set a goal to increase women in leading positions to 30% by 2020. Failing to achieve this target, the Gender Equality Bureau of the Cabinet Office aimed to reach the goal “as early as possible in the 2020s.” Yet, there seems to be a long way to go. The survey conducted in July by Teikoku Databank revealed that the average percentage of women in managerial positions at 11,503 companies across Japan was only 9.4%.

In response to this situation, the government came to put pressure on large companies. Companies with 301 or more regular workers became required to disclose the wage gap between male and female employees, following revisions made in July to the ministerial ordinance and notice under the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life.

Shareholders and investors of Japanese companies are paying a more attention to the gender pay gap. During the general shareholders meeting season in June 2022, a shareholder proposal requested Kansai Electric to set target indicators for gender discrimination such as separate wages for men and women as well as to disclose their status of workplace gender discrimination. A shareholder proposal was also submitted to TEPCO requesting equal wages and treatment for male and female employees. Although both proposals were rejected, the one for Kansai Electric received a 19.0% approval rate, making the company face significant investor pressure.

US Investors Urge Gender Pay Gap Disclosure

There have been many cases overseas in which investors actively engage with corporates on gender pay gap. Last year, Arjuna Capital, US asset management company, filed a shareholder proposal requesting Microsoft to issue a report on their workplace sexual harassment policies and received 77.97% of approval from shareholders. Being active in advocating for pay gap transparency, Arjuna Capital filed this year a shareholder proposal requesting Apple to disclose racial and gender pay gaps.

Through these engagements, Arjuna Capital has successfully elicited pay gap disclosure from a number of large companies and has been a leading investor in ESG. Yet, according to Ms. Natasha Lamb, founder and managing partner of Arjuna Capital, these achievements did not happen overnight.

Natasha Lamb, Founder/Managing Partner of Arjuna Capital
Natasha Lamb, Founder/Managing Partner of Arjuna Capital

Ms. Lamb introduced her engagement with Citigroup regarding the disclosure of its gender pay gap. Arjuna Capital filed in 2017 a shareholder proposal requesting Citigroup to issue a report on gender pay gap. Though the proposal was rejected with 14.32% support from shareholders, Arjuna Capital continued the dialogue with Citigroup. The result came in 2018 when the then-CEO Michael Corbart agreed to disclose Citigroup’s gender pay gap, ahead of other financial institutions.

Arjuna Capital’s engagement did not end there. “What was disclosed in 2018 was adjusted gender pay gaps. We continued our engagement with Citigroup to disclose their median gender pay gaps,” Lamb says. An adjusted gender pay gap compares wages of men and women working in the same type and/or level of occupation, demonstrating gender discrimination among employees in the same categories. A median gender pay gap compares median incomes of all the women and that of all the men in the company.

Adjusted pay gaps may be closed within a relatively short time by unifying the wages for male and female employees in the same position. Closing median pay gaps takes more time. If men occupy the majority of high-paying positions, for example, “the median gender pay gap would not be reduced quickly even if the company hired women into entry level positions,” says Lamb. She emphasizes that median gender pay gaps are the indicators which “visualize the structural inequality within the company.” In response to Arjuna Capital’s engagement, Citigroup published in January 2019 their median gender pay gaps.

Annual earnings simulation

Presented in the figure above are two hypothetical cases in which six men and six women each were employed (cases created referring to “UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2021,” p. 4, published by Citigroup’s UK division). In Case A, male employees predominates high-paying positions. The median annual income of men is 8 million yen whereas that of women is 5 million yen. In Case B, a female employee is present in the highest-paying position. The median annual income is 7 million yen for men and 6 million yen for women. The gender pay gap is narrower in B than A.

Impact of Disclosure To Be Assessed From Long-Term Perspective

Citigroup publishes their gender pay gap (%), the gap between male and female median wage ([male] – [female]) divided by the male median wage. The smaller the pay gap, the smaller the value. According to their report in 2021, the gender pay gap at Citigroup Global Markets Limited was 35.7% in 2021, slightly decreased from 37.5% of 2019.

In March 2021, Jane Fraser became Chief Executive Officer of Citigroup, making the company “the first of major global banks” to appoint a women as the CEO. As of 2021, 53% of their global Board of Directors are women.

It takes time for a company to reduce structural gender inequality. Citigroup has disclosed the proportion of men and women by pay quartile. In Citigroup Global Markets Limited, the percentage of women at the upper quartile stays at 12% from 2019 to 2021. “The disclosure of pay gaps is essential for companies to transform themselves into more equitable organizations by making long-term efforts to reduce inequality”, commented Lamb.

Next Step for Japan: Voluntary Disclosure and Investor Engagement

The pay gap disclosure and investor engagement paved Citigroup’s way for reducing their structural gender inequality. In Japan too, dialogues between companies and investors may encourage companies to disclose information and take actions for equality. This requires metrics that allow investors to assess the level of workplace gender equality.

Large Japanese companies are now required to disclose gender pay gaps under three categories: regular workers, non-regular workers, and the all workers. The pay gap is calculated by dividing the average wage for women by the average wage for men, then times 100. The averages reflect gender disparities less accurately than the medians do. The disclosure of metrics that reveal workplace gender inequality more explicitly – such as such as median gender pay gaps – would allow Japanese companies to take one step further.

As the disclosure of human capital increases, “whether companies care for well-being of their employees will determine whether they can attract good human resources,” says Ms. Aoshima. Dialogues toward gender equality in Japan may be facilitated by companies that take initiatives in DEI and that voluntarily disclose information on workplace gender inequality.

DEI 深堀り (上)






  • 投資家による働きかけにより、日本にもDEI促進をリードする企業が登場することが望まれる。
  • 改正された女性活躍推進法は、大企業に従業員の男女別平均賃金の開示を義務づける。
  • 職場の構造的なジェンダー格差を可視化するには、賃金の中央値で算出した男女格差の開示が効果的である。
Image of DEI unachieved
Image of DEI achieved

DEIへの取り組みでは、メンバー各々が必要な情報とリソースにアクセスし、チーム全体が目標を共有する職場づくりが鍵となる。 Illustration by PARU @paru_illustration










DEIは人種、国籍、障害の有無など様々な観点における多様性・公平性・インクルージョンを指すが、日本がとりわけ国際社会から課題を指摘されるのがジェンダー平等の分野だ。ことし7月に世界経済フォーラムが公表した「The Global Gender Gap Report 2022」によると、男女格差を測るジェンダー・ギャップ指数で日本は146カ国中116位と、例年に引き続き最低ラインとなった。









その後もアルジュナ・キャピタルの粘り強い働きかけは続いた。ラム氏は「2018年にシティグループが公開したのは“adjusted gender pay gap(*後述)”だった。我々は“median gender pay gap(*後述)”の開示を促した」と振り返る。“adjusted gender pay gap” とは、職種や職位が同じ男女の従業員を比較して算出した、いわば従業員の属性別の賃金差を指す。いっぽう “median gender pay gap” は、全ての男性社員の賃金の中央値と、全ての女性社員の賃金の中央値を比較して計算する賃金差である。


上図で、男女を6人ずつ雇用した2つのケースを想定した(シティグループが英国部門で発行した報告書 「UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2021」p. 4 を参照し事例を作成)。ケースAでは年収が高いほど男性社員の割合が大きく、年収の中央値が男性では800万円、女性では500万円となっている。高ポジションにも女性が入るケースBでは、年収の中央値が男性700万円、女性600万円となり、格差が緩和されている。


シティグループは、「{(男性の賃金の中央値)−(女性の賃金の中央値)}÷(男性の賃金の中央値)」で算出した賃金差(%)を公開している。値が小さいほど、格差が小さい。同社が発表した2021年の報告書によると、Citigroup Global Markets Limited における男女の賃金差は2019年に37.5%だったが、2021年には35.7%と微減した。


もちろん、組織内における構造的なジェンダー不平等の是正は時間を要する。同社は賃金の幅を4分割して各グループに占める男女の割合も公表している。Citigroup Global Markets Limited で最も給与の高いグループに占める女性の割合は2019年から2021年まで12%と変化していない。しかしラム氏は、賃金格差の開示は「企業が、公平な組織を目指して長期的に不平等の解消に取り組むために欠かせない」と述べた。





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